Grab a doughnut and let me tell you a story.A couple of weeks ago my friend Joe came across a job opening that required he go from company to company training management teams.It was a non-office job which is exactly what he was looking for.He picked up the phone and gave them a call.After going over the qualifications babble, the talks … Read More
What Are The Three S’s And How Can They Change Your Life?
Slap on your scuba gear of life and get ready because today we’re going deep. The Three S’s will not only help you overcome the fear of public speaking, but they can change your life.I owe a lot to these three principles because I struggled with each one mightily, like a child trying to reel in a great white with a … Read More
If You Died Today What Would The World Lose?
13 months ago I sat in a Starbucks across from my friend Joe. We talked about the projects we’d been working on and how they were progressing.I told him my plans for Tactical Talks and some other projects that are currently in the works. At this point, my website had been sitting on blocks. It was “live” but had zero content on the … Read More
The Simple Way To Get People To Help And Support You
I used to think it was good enough to buckle down and “do it myself.” For everything.From projects to personal problems, I’d always keep them confidential. No matter what, I’d try to figure things out on my own—even if it meant avoiding the person I knew could solve my problem with a single question.I realize now that I’ve been going about it the … Read More
Why You NEED To Stay Anchored (Especially When Things Are Going Good!)
You know when you feel that life is just trudging along, you’re mentally drained, and you feel like you’re just spinning your tires?During those times it’s clear that we need to focus in on what’s important. I mean get anchored, and do it fast. Our goals. Our peace. Take a break to recharge. Whatever it is, we’re desperately searching for … Read More
Why Fear Is Good For Public Speaking (It’s Outrageous)
I’m sure you’ve heard that people fear public speaking more than death. Lately I’ve been hearing that it’s a bogus stat, but that’s beside the point. The fact that the two get compared at all gives the fear of public speaking a serious legitimacy.Just to be clear of what were talking about, it also gets called glossophobia, speech anxiety, or even “performance anxiety.” … Read More
Do You Take Books For Granted?
The only books I had voluntarily read before the age of 26 were the first six books in the Harry Potter series. I never got around to the final one. Someday though, Harry. Anyway, do you read books? I think that collectively, as humans, we don’t value books as much as we should. After all they’re just a bunch … Read More
Why The Hell Did I Write This Book?
The book is coming out January 24, 2016! Pretty dang soon. What Book? The Perfectionist’s Guide To Public Speaking: How To Crush Fear, Ignite Confidence And Silence Your Inner Critic. So WHY did I write it? I made a video to explain. One last thing! Be sure to sign up and get it for free during the pre-release. Go here. Be … Read More
The Most Neglected And Overlooked Detail When Setting Goals
It’s early in the year. You’re fired up right? I hope so, because it’s barely the end of week one! You’ve probably been seeing articles all over the place about setting goals in 2016. Stomach one more? For me? Please… Thanks! You’re too kind. Okay, chances are you’ve at least made an attempt at setting some goal for this year. … Read More
Avoid Overwhelming Yourself By NOT Doing This
Have you ever wanted to master a skill only to run into someone else who was enormously better at it than you were? Chances are you have. I have. What effect did this have on you? Did you feel overwhelmed or say to yourself, “I’ll never be that good”? Did you want to give up? There’s nothing to be … Read More