3 Steps To Overcome Self-Conscious Thoughts About Your Voice

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking

voice - tactical talks - public speaking

How Your Voice Contributes To Your NervousnessWho are you? Your gesturing, your style of speaking, your voice (trying to sound like Darth Vader even though you sound like Pee Wee Herman?), the content you choose to speak about (do you give a crap about your topic?), and lastly, the words you use (do you intentionally use jargon instead of simpler words that mean … Read More

Pain’s A Pal

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking

pain - public speaking

  I hated the feeling I got when I knew I was just moments away from having to stand in front of a room full of people and say…stuff. Public speaking. Scary to even think about, right? I dreaded doing it. I almost packed it in 7 months after joining Toastmasters (a sort of workshop dedicated to helping you become a … Read More

“Just Do It” To Overcome Public Speaking Fear? IT SUCKS!

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking

public speaking - tactical talks - just do it

  I’m convinced that the most popular advice on how to overcome the fear of public speaking…SUCKS! A couple of months back during a speaking panel I heard “just do it” again from a self-proclaimed (nothing wrong with this by the way!) communications expert. I think that people who toss out this advice simply don’t remember what it was like when they … Read More

Tactical Talks Interview – Matt Kramer Interviews Joe Rodriguez

Matt KramerInterviews, Motivation, Overcoming Fear, Public Speaking

matt kramer joe rodriguez interview public speaking fear tactical talks motivation

*Disclaimer: Raw audio quality. Deal with it 🙂 This Tactical Talks Interview is with Joe Rodriguez. Joe is the MAN when it comes to ACTION. Forget perfect. “Get it out there” is his motto. During this interview you’ll get:  – Joe’s #1 tip for new speakers – What Joe does to overcome nervousness before speaking – How to remember your … Read More

Do You Get This Feeling At The Beginning Of Your Presentations?

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear

Public Speaking feeling

  That elusive feeling. It’s so darn difficult to accurately remember it. It might even be difficult to explain it, so bear with me. Here’s the situation: You’re about to get up and give a talk, initially there’s that bit of “excitement,” then you get going, all is well, and then finally you end your talk. Job well done. You … Read More

Your Public Speaking “Toolkit”

Matt KramerUncategorized

public speaking toolkit

  I recently read this blog article listing 10 confidence building tips for public speaking. The interesting thing I noticed is that some of them seem more relevant to constructing a speech rather than building confidence. Whatever, still good tips! But, the last one ignited some of my brain synapses: Create Your Toolkit You know how sometimes you come across something that you’ve been doing, but … Read More