Your Ultimate Walkthrough Guide For Overcoming The Massive Fear Of Public Speaking

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking

walkthrough guide public speaking tactical talks ultimate matt kramer fear

Have you ever had to speak in front of a group of people? If so, do any of these sound familiar?Feeling physically sickButterflies in your stomach (like free-falling down a roller coaster slope)Feeling weakLegs wobbly as if they’re about to buckleEnormous pressure and stressTenseness in the neck and shouldersForgetfulness and difficulty concentratingLack of confidence and self-doubtSweaty pits and palmsDry mouthFear … Read More

Pain’s A Pal

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking

pain - public speaking

  I hated the feeling I got when I knew I was just moments away from having to stand in front of a room full of people and say…stuff. Public speaking. Scary to even think about, right? I dreaded doing it. I almost packed it in 7 months after joining Toastmasters (a sort of workshop dedicated to helping you become a … Read More

5 Ways To Ensure You Don’t Sound Like A Robot

Matt KramerPublic Speaking

robot voice - public speaking

Attention all humans! Okay, okay, robots are welcome too. Just turn your emotion controls to ‘OFF’—or risk being offended. ​Today we talk about a subject that can save humanity. Or at least defend against a level of boredom that is entirely unnecessary. ​You’ve no doubt experienced a speaker with some or all of these special traits. Perhaps you’ve been scarred for life. … Read More

Public Speaking Anxiety: Fear The INSTANT Fix!

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking, Uncategorized

public speaking fear tactical talks hype instant

Whenever you see someone offering INSTANT tips and tricks for overcoming the fear of public speaking, please do me a favor. Be vigilant. Extend your B.S. antenna and jab it squarely into the chest of the messenger. It’s non-sense. There is no magic pill that you can catapult down the hatch and in an instant be cured. There are methods that work, methods … Read More

5 “Don’ts” That Will Make You A Better Speaker

Matt KramerPublic Speaking

speaking - tactical talks

  There are a ton of things that can either make you a better speaker, or not. And personally I think it varies from person to person. Some can get away with being theatrical and over-the-top. Others, not so much. Take slouching for example. This gets associated with a lack of confidence and being “unprofessional.” I would never advise anyone … Read More

How To Memorize A Speech When You’re Nervous

Matt KramerOvercoming Fear, Public Speaking

memorization memorize matt kramer tactical talks public speaking fear anxiety

I recently stumbled on a Reddit thread in the Public Speaking section. The question was about memorization and being able to calm the body down.Here’s the question: Straight up, I don’t like the art of memorizing. I prefer knowing my content and knowing the points I want to cover. I suppose, technically, I memorize the points I want to cover and their … Read More

This Is How Your Internal Critic Is Hurting You

Matt KramerConfidence, Motivation, Overcoming Fear

internal critic tactical talks public speaking matt kramer

“You suck! You’re a failure! Why do you even try? All you do is make mistakes you loser! And you smell…”How would you respond to someone if they said those things to you? You’d probably return fire or even start throwing dukes around. Those are fightin’ words!So why the hell do we take that kind of crap from our internal … Read More

Is It Okay To Cuss Or Use Slang As A Public Speaker?

Matt KramerPublic Speaking

slang cuss public speaking tactical talks matt kramer

 Most people naturally tend to talk to the audience as if they were talking to the Dalai Lama. They clean up their language. Not just holding back on “f-bombs” but also cutting out the “so-like-totallys” and any overt slang words or phrases. I can’t say that I disagree with this approach in principle. However, is it the best approach? And if so, … Read More