Why You NEED To Stay Anchored (Especially When Things Are Going Good!)

Matt KramerMotivation, Uncategorized

anchored - public speaking - tactical talks

You know when you feel that life is just trudging along, you’re mentally drained, and you feel like you’re just spinning your tires?

During those times it’s clear that we need to focus in on what’s important. I mean get anchored, and do it fast. Our goals. Our peace. Take a break to recharge.

Whatever it is, we’re desperately searching for it during the “bad” times.

What About When Things Aren’t So Bad?

Meh. Not really important, right?

I know I’ve thrown them under the bus during the good times. I’m like, “I don’t need you anymore. I just used you to pull myself back together!”

It’s like when your friend would lend you money in high school and you’re all super grateful and happy, but then you’re friend asks you for some cash a few months later and you’re like, “Get a job! What do I look like a BANK?”

It’s kind of a shitty way to think, right? 

Anyways, I think during those times it’s even more important to nurture our “why.” Fortify it. Make it clearer than ever before.

Why It's Important To Keep Our “WHY” In Front Of Us During The Good Times?

By doing that it’ll make it easier to flash the greener pastures in front of your eyes when life’s roller coaster descends, as it certainly will. That’s life.

It’s basically a training exercise to help you get through life's dips faster.

The longer you’re stuck in a rut, the more time you lose by moping around. Getting in the habit of constantly focusing on your “WHY,” during the good times and the bad, is like taking your multivitamins.

It keeps your immune system strong. Your vitamins may not completely prevent you from getting sick, but when you do get sick, your body fights it off much quicker. I’m a doctor. I know. (not really.)

Boost your life-immune system by staying anchored. Always.

Plus, you’ll get to keep your sick days in tact for when you really need ‘em.

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About this guy...

Matt Kramer - Tactical Talks - Public Speaking

Howdy! My name is Matt Kramer and I used to suffer excruciating death when speaking in front of a group, now I LOVE it. Overcoming this fear has changed my life. In less than a year since, I’ve started this website, Tactical Talks, competed and won 3 separate public speaking contests, wrote a book, and spoke at one of the top universities in southern California (SDSU).

And look, I’m not telling you this to “show off.” My purpose is to show you that it’s possible to start doing the things that YOU want to do. And that’s my goal. My focus is to help you overcome the fear of public speaking so you can build the confidence to go after what you want in life.