3 Public Speaking Techniques That Suck

Matt KramerPublic Speaking

audience connection - tactical talks

You want to make a real connection with the audience? There are many ways to do so. There are also many ways to kill it.We’re going to focus on getting rid of the connection killers.I don’t wanna cringe after watching a presentation anymore. I dream of a world where everyone gets up on stage and proudly delivers their message as … Read More

Your OWN Story: Authenticity Reigns Supreme

Matt KramerPublic Speaking

authenticity authentic

Have you ever listened to someone give a speech or tell a story that just didn’t feel authentic? It ain’t pretty. Why would a presenter choose to tell made up stories or deliver information that they just aren’t qualified to give? An example would be if I re-told a story that I heard from someone else but substituted myself as … Read More