Each month I will scour the interwebz looking for the best articles on public speaking.
I'll be looking for topics like these:
- Presentation tips
- Body language and other technical speaking tips
- And anything in between...
I'm looking for the interesting, the fascinating, the practical, and anything with worthwhile information to help you become a better communicator.
The best of the freaking best!
The purpose is to save you time. A lot of what's out there can get repetitive and end up wasting your time.
Don't worry, though, I'm doing the scavenging so you don't have to.
Grab a stick of dynamite and toss it into your coffee, and then start reading.
1. Be Confident When Called On!
Here's an article by Matt Abrahams that was published in the August edition of Toastmasters Magazine. It's practical and gives you some easy to follow steps for how to deal with impromptu speaking opportunities. Don't get the monthly Toastmasters Magazine? No problem. Check it out here.
2. How To Hook Your Audience
Nothing like a good start, sure. But there's nothing like hooking your audience throughout your entire speech as well. Speaking master Nick Morgan gives some excellent advice on how to do just that. It's a unique perspective to say the least. Check out his article here.
3. Step-by-Step Guide To Becoming A Better Speaker
This article posted on is flat out solid. In it you will find 31 steps to creating an awesome speech. They may not all apply, but you'll be better off for having read it. Go read it here.
4. 13 Speakers Share Their Public Speaking Horror Stories
Learning from failure is priceless. The only thing better, is learning from the mistakes of OTHERS...Here's a list of 13 speakers and their tales. Oh yeah, they share their best speaking tips, too!
5. The Science Of Funny?
I first came across Peter McGraw when I read a book called The Humor Code, which is about what makes funny, well, funny. He co-authored the book with fellow funnyman, Joel Warner.
If you want to learn the science, pick up that book. Peter is a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, so as you would imagine, he never shows up without back up (academic research!). Check out an article on the Benign Violation Theory.
Bonus Article!
I recently had the honor of being interviewed by public speaking master Ginger Public Speaking (Sarah Lloyd-Hughes). Check out the interview here.
And if public speaking interests you, be sure to check out Sarah's blog and her excellent book, How to be Brilliant at Public Speaking: Any Audience. Any Situation.
Not only does Sarah provide excellent content on a consistent basis, but it's done in a fun and entertaining way. Can't beat that!
That's it for this month's TOP 5. You know you want more, and more you shall have...NEXT MONTH that is. If you've got an article you think is TOP 5 material, list in the comment section below. If it makes the list, you'll get all the credit.
See you next month!
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About this guy...

Howdy! My name is Matt Kramer and I used to suffer excruciating death when speaking in front of a group, now I LOVE it. Overcoming this fear has changed my life and it can change yours, too. My focus is to help you overcome the fear of public speaking so you can build the confidence to go after what you want in life.